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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Texting and Driving

            Throughout the many dangers of driving the greatest increase factor to accidents within the last 15 years or so has been texting and driving. Throughout many studies and analysis it has been scientifically that the use of a cellular device while driving greatly decreases the ability to drive a car safely. In the last 5 years the prevention and awareness of texting and driving has greatly increased due with many laws and legislative getting passed to outlaw this action. These types of regulations bring large fines if prosecuted.

            With the amount of teens being hurt and killed every day from this catastrophe that is sometimes looked over, many health programs and schools have begun preventative programs to stop this action. The fact that one simple text can cause someone’s life is just astounding. Texting and driving doesn’t only effect the person driving the cars and being hurt or killed but it also greatly effects the parents, friends, and family of these individuals which can tear families apart.

            Situations dealing with texting and driving are just as dangerous as drinking and driving with horrible out comes. A text is not worth someone’s life no matter how important a text might be. Many of these situations happen say when a person is driving home and a special someone texts and the phone lights up next to them. Following this cellular notification the driver just thinks, oh this will be quick, I will just take a quick look. And just as fast as that happens someone can lose control of the vehicle and cause a crash with another car or object. This type of situation is greatly seen within teens due to the fact that a teen is largely dependent on a phone and can’t miss a moment to interact with others.

            Now a person reading this blog might be thinking that they wouldn’t ever partake in this action. But someday when they are driving on a thought of as deserted road they decide it might be safe to check their phone quickly. This is prime example of a situation in which a accident happen, say when a motor cycle turns around a corner and the driver doesn’t seem them causing a fatal accident that could have lasting effects on both drivers. So next time you might be put in a situation similar to this, just think is a life important as important as one little text?

Word Count 404

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