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Sunday, October 12, 2014

Biker Safety

Everyone has probably seen the license plates that have a figure of a biker on it with the phrase saying “Share the Road”, written on it. But what does the actually mean and what does it mean to you? The term “Share the Road” is referring to the actions taken by BOTH bikers and drivers which is to share the road and be respectful to the opposite side of the seat.

Although cars are usually the main sight of the roads to this day, bikers have just as much of a right to be on the roads. With this bikers actually have more power on the road because the law says that drivers must yield to pedestrians which include bikers. Now you would think that this concept wouldn’t be something hard to understand and put into action, wouldn’t you? Well its not just that easy due to the fact that some drivers cannot get this idea through their thick skulls. To some drivers the scene of a biker on the road isn’t pleasant and angers them greatly causing them to participate in acts like road rage that put bikers in danger. For many bikers less busy country roads are very intriguing and are where a majority of road bikers can be found. The most country roads that bikers are found on are usually not very busy at all and have speed limits of 45mph to 55 mph. Bikers carry out activities like riding on the white line of the right side of the road to share the road and keep themselves safe, and the drivers happy. This action just isn’t enough though because some drivers feel the need to fly by bikers at speeds that usually exceed the speed limit while driving within just a couple feet of the handle bars of the biker even thought there appears to be a clear lane to pass with plenty of space given to the rider. This type of irresponsible and disrespectful action is what causes bikers to be sucked into traffic, get accidentally side swiped, severely injured and many times even killed. Now if your one of these drivers just think…. Is it worth someone’s like to prove that you don’t like bikers and there frequency on roads???

Through my experience as both a rider and a driver I have seen and experienced many of these things through people yelling, honking, and swerving into me while biking on the roads. This type of action goes through my mind every time I decide to hop on my road bike and always keeps the fear of not only crashing but dying on the roads due to a irresponsible driver.

Word Count 446

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