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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Drinking and Driving

Car crashes throughout the world are and one of the leading causes of death and injury. Along with a handful of distractions including cellular devices, passengers, and bill boards, drinking and driving is the most dangerous and highest risk distraction found within someone behind the wheel of a vehicle.

Not only is drinking alcohol to the point of intoxication irresponsible but it also is very immature and dangerous. On top of the obvious dangers and sometimes immoralities that come with drinking alcohol, some people even go beyond this point and take actions that put both themselves and everyone else on the road in danger.

Driving while intoxicated is probably one of the dumbest actions a person could take. For people who drink recreationally, they sometimes believe that they are still sober enough to drive and they will be fine if they are careful and go slow. See now this is a very large misconception that goes around in many alcoholics mind. One slight misjudgment or error in driving can leave both the driver, passenger, and all the other people on the road in a “world of hurt”.

This topic for instance is very relative to the atmosphere within peer groups of teenagers and can cause many problems. As a person that has never drank, has parents that never drink, and has no intentions in drinking I find very irresponsible to find peers of my own not only drinking, but getting caught drinking while driving and having to face the law.

Drinking first of all reaps no benefits whatsoever, but on top of that it can cause for many larger repercussions than one might think. Some of these long lasting effects of drinking and the risks and repercussions include, deteriorating health, car fatalities which can ripe families apart, and hefting fines for being caught drinking and driving.

Just imagine the next time that your thinking about taking the keys and stepping on the gas after you’ve been drinking, that you could be holding a little lifeless baby or little boy in your hands. So my question to you is why, why, why, would you take all of these risks including fines, jail time, a persons life and well being, and your future, just to act so irresponsibly to take the keys and begin driving while intoxicated? This is not only your life that could be endanger its, that little boy or girl with big dreams and aspirations sitting in that car seat in the back seat of there mom or dads car. Make the right choice. Don’t drink and drive.

Word count 429

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