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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Teen Cars and My First Car

Oh everyone will always remember their first car and the memories that were made in that car. Adults to this day still continue to talk about there first car and usually how bad it was. A teens first car is like a big dosage of freedom has been injected right into their blood stream. Not only does a first car bring excitement, fun, but it also brings stories.

Most individuals first car is some car that is sitting someone’s lawn with a big “for sale” sign on it or at a sketchy car dealership that is barely getting by on the small scraps of money that come its way from those cheap parents. The first car given to a teen is looked on by society as a car that is slow, slightly rusted, dull, and sometimes even unreliable. This type of idea is given to those teen cars due to the stereotype of all teen drivers that gives them characteristics that would disqualify their particular driving skills and abilities. Although these types accusations and characteristics are true about most teens’ cars, its not always correct.

Some teens do achieve that “dream car” that is thought of by all teens throughout the world. These types of cars including nice new SUVs, sports cars, and trucks are sometimes thought as a bad concept for a teen to obtain. This accusation is given by many adults for reasons that might include, insurance, lack in responsibility, and risk of abuse and damage to the vehicle by those who are jealous. Although as a teen myself who would really like a different car, I would have to agree with some of these thoughts that go through some adults minds. Although many teens can drive irresponsibility which can cause of large insurance fees, I believe that the greatest risk of a teen driving a outstanding car is the risk of damage from other jealous teens.

This type of jealously is not just a false accusation, but is actually true. These types of actions can be seen within the school atmosphere, where nicer and more expensive cars definitely stand out from the others. With the lowly devolved minds of teens jealously and anger can cause some individuals to lash out at others by keying, denting, along with other actions to get back at some more privileged teens. So through all cultural influences, teen actions, and parental wealth, the purchasing of teen cars can be a very hard thing to judge when it comes to the quality and price of a car.

Word count 424

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