As seen throughout the sporting world, performance enhancing drugs have become increasingly more popular. Within the last 20 to 30 years performance enhancing drugs have shot up in the amount of attention and usage that they receive. Many of these types of performance enhancing drugs including steroids are found within the baseball and football sporting venues. As the number of people being caught for the usage of these drugs has gone up there has been many more investigations and checks that are applied to many of these professional athletes.
Many people might believe that performance enhancing drugs are only used within the sports such as baseball and football., This type of accusation would be largely incorrect, and in fact there are great deals of situations found in the sport of road bike racing that have turned over results that would prove otherwise. Within the professional biking associations many bikers including the most famous Lance Armstrong have been caught using performance enhancing drugs which then allows for the association to reap all credits and winnings of events from these athletes.
As for Lance Armstrong’s story there has been large amounts of controversy and publicity that has taken hold of the biking associations to check bikers frequently for these drugs. Lance Armstrong was thought to be a hero after his successful recovery of cancer and surge back to power in biking before the findings of his real story. After Lance came back to biking he began to use methods of performance enhancing drugs that allowed him to come back on top and win 7 Tour De Frances. For years this method of usage was put under the radar of the association until later when he admitted to the use of the illegal drugs. This type of enhancement can be reached in many different ways including blood doping which increase oxygen levels, promptly before a race in Lance’s case, and then there are pills which increase muscle mass growth.
So the real question that needs to be asked form all of this is whether the use of performance enhancing drugs should be allowed within the cycling world. Now most people would be totally against this idea because it is immoral and unfair, but other would argue that it is only science/biology and isn’t hurting the body and would be equal and fair if everyone could participate in these acts. Another reason some believe that they should be allowed is because it would create a lot less headache and would wipe out the use of drug checks on athletes. This type of situation is similar to the alcohol prohibition act of the Eighteenth Amendment which illegalized the distribution and usage of alcohol which then increase illegal activity, chaos, and violence. After a few years of this the government went back to the legalization of alcohol. This type of situation presents the idea that allowing the use of performance enhancing drugs would decrease cheating and cause less confusion and chaos. So what do you believe?
Word Count 500 words
The End is Near
Sadly, all great things have to come to an end. Well this year's track
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9 years ago
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