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  • The End is Near - Sadly, all great things have to come to an end. Well this year's track season wasn't really what I would call great but it still has to come to an end too,...
    9 years ago
  • Saints Row 2 - Today’s review is on Saints Row 2. This is another great game by Volition set back in the modern age. You are a gangster who is supposed t...
    9 years ago
  • Being a healthy runner - The definition of injury itself can be quite tricky to a runner. What is an injury? Does it qualify as something that keeps you out of what you're doi...
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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Texting and Driving

            Throughout the many dangers of driving the greatest increase factor to accidents within the last 15 years or so has been texting and driving. Throughout many studies and analysis it has been scientifically that the use of a cellular device while driving greatly decreases the ability to drive a car safely. In the last 5 years the prevention and awareness of texting and driving has greatly increased due with many laws and legislative getting passed to outlaw this action. These types of regulations bring large fines if prosecuted.

            With the amount of teens being hurt and killed every day from this catastrophe that is sometimes looked over, many health programs and schools have begun preventative programs to stop this action. The fact that one simple text can cause someone’s life is just astounding. Texting and driving doesn’t only effect the person driving the cars and being hurt or killed but it also greatly effects the parents, friends, and family of these individuals which can tear families apart.

            Situations dealing with texting and driving are just as dangerous as drinking and driving with horrible out comes. A text is not worth someone’s life no matter how important a text might be. Many of these situations happen say when a person is driving home and a special someone texts and the phone lights up next to them. Following this cellular notification the driver just thinks, oh this will be quick, I will just take a quick look. And just as fast as that happens someone can lose control of the vehicle and cause a crash with another car or object. This type of situation is greatly seen within teens due to the fact that a teen is largely dependent on a phone and can’t miss a moment to interact with others.

            Now a person reading this blog might be thinking that they wouldn’t ever partake in this action. But someday when they are driving on a thought of as deserted road they decide it might be safe to check their phone quickly. This is prime example of a situation in which a accident happen, say when a motor cycle turns around a corner and the driver doesn’t seem them causing a fatal accident that could have lasting effects on both drivers. So next time you might be put in a situation similar to this, just think is a life important as important as one little text?

Word Count 404

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sterotypes of Teenage Driving

Adult: “Happy sixteenth birthday!!” Teen: “Oh thanks so much” Adult: “ So have you gotten your license and a car yet?” Teen: “ Oh yah I have, I’m so excited” Adult: “ Oh man everybody watch out, I guess I will be staying away from you on the roads”…..Me: oh my gosh just shut the #$%^ up.

This type of conversation and remarks given by adults to teenagers who just are starting to drive is what absolutely drives me nuts! I cannot take it when adults falsely make assumptions and misconceptions about all teens and teen drivers. Almost all adults use this type of lingo when talking to a teenager about driving.

Okay, okay, so I will admit that some teens are not the best or most experienced drivers, but this is not a good representation for the entire population of teens. Although some teens aren’t very irresponsible or good drivers, there are also a large handful of teens that are very responsible and experienced drivers.

Along with some teens there are also a very large amounts of adults that are not the best drivers in the world. The reason for the over exaggeration of misconceptions of bad teen driving, can be explained by a series of psychological phenomenon’s that a conscious human mind is not aware of. These phenomenon’s of over exaggeration can be explained by the need for the human mind to need to fill in and make connections between radical events and the explanation. In this case the false accusation of a teen being a faulty driver and inexperienced comes to persons to try to explain something like a crash that a teen might have been involved in. This type of factor and psychological phenomenon have been formed by the influence of both culture and social factors.

For these types of reasons, is why teens are sometimes given this label, which can sometimes be false and can actually anger teens including me. I mean, yah its true that some teens aren’t good drivers, but that is true for adults also. Teens may be less experienced and mentally developed than adults, but teens also have faster reactions and have the ability to learn new task easier and faster like driving then adults. So next time you might come into a situation like the one given, please understand that teens aren’t an exception to driving skills and that actually you were one at one time way back when.

Word count 409

Teen Cars and My First Car

Oh everyone will always remember their first car and the memories that were made in that car. Adults to this day still continue to talk about there first car and usually how bad it was. A teens first car is like a big dosage of freedom has been injected right into their blood stream. Not only does a first car bring excitement, fun, but it also brings stories.

Most individuals first car is some car that is sitting someone’s lawn with a big “for sale” sign on it or at a sketchy car dealership that is barely getting by on the small scraps of money that come its way from those cheap parents. The first car given to a teen is looked on by society as a car that is slow, slightly rusted, dull, and sometimes even unreliable. This type of idea is given to those teen cars due to the stereotype of all teen drivers that gives them characteristics that would disqualify their particular driving skills and abilities. Although these types accusations and characteristics are true about most teens’ cars, its not always correct.

Some teens do achieve that “dream car” that is thought of by all teens throughout the world. These types of cars including nice new SUVs, sports cars, and trucks are sometimes thought as a bad concept for a teen to obtain. This accusation is given by many adults for reasons that might include, insurance, lack in responsibility, and risk of abuse and damage to the vehicle by those who are jealous. Although as a teen myself who would really like a different car, I would have to agree with some of these thoughts that go through some adults minds. Although many teens can drive irresponsibility which can cause of large insurance fees, I believe that the greatest risk of a teen driving a outstanding car is the risk of damage from other jealous teens.

This type of jealously is not just a false accusation, but is actually true. These types of actions can be seen within the school atmosphere, where nicer and more expensive cars definitely stand out from the others. With the lowly devolved minds of teens jealously and anger can cause some individuals to lash out at others by keying, denting, along with other actions to get back at some more privileged teens. So through all cultural influences, teen actions, and parental wealth, the purchasing of teen cars can be a very hard thing to judge when it comes to the quality and price of a car.

Word count 424

Drinking and Driving

Car crashes throughout the world are and one of the leading causes of death and injury. Along with a handful of distractions including cellular devices, passengers, and bill boards, drinking and driving is the most dangerous and highest risk distraction found within someone behind the wheel of a vehicle.

Not only is drinking alcohol to the point of intoxication irresponsible but it also is very immature and dangerous. On top of the obvious dangers and sometimes immoralities that come with drinking alcohol, some people even go beyond this point and take actions that put both themselves and everyone else on the road in danger.

Driving while intoxicated is probably one of the dumbest actions a person could take. For people who drink recreationally, they sometimes believe that they are still sober enough to drive and they will be fine if they are careful and go slow. See now this is a very large misconception that goes around in many alcoholics mind. One slight misjudgment or error in driving can leave both the driver, passenger, and all the other people on the road in a “world of hurt”.

This topic for instance is very relative to the atmosphere within peer groups of teenagers and can cause many problems. As a person that has never drank, has parents that never drink, and has no intentions in drinking I find very irresponsible to find peers of my own not only drinking, but getting caught drinking while driving and having to face the law.

Drinking first of all reaps no benefits whatsoever, but on top of that it can cause for many larger repercussions than one might think. Some of these long lasting effects of drinking and the risks and repercussions include, deteriorating health, car fatalities which can ripe families apart, and hefting fines for being caught drinking and driving.

Just imagine the next time that your thinking about taking the keys and stepping on the gas after you’ve been drinking, that you could be holding a little lifeless baby or little boy in your hands. So my question to you is why, why, why, would you take all of these risks including fines, jail time, a persons life and well being, and your future, just to act so irresponsibly to take the keys and begin driving while intoxicated? This is not only your life that could be endanger its, that little boy or girl with big dreams and aspirations sitting in that car seat in the back seat of there mom or dads car. Make the right choice. Don’t drink and drive.

Word count 429

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Steroids and Professional Biking

As seen throughout the sporting world, performance enhancing drugs have become increasingly more popular. Within the last 20 to 30 years performance enhancing drugs have shot up in the amount of attention and usage that they receive. Many of these types of performance enhancing drugs including steroids are found within the baseball and football sporting venues. As the number of people being caught for the usage of these drugs has gone up there has been many more investigations and checks that are applied to many of these professional athletes.

Many people might believe that performance enhancing drugs are only used within the sports such as baseball and football., This type of accusation would be largely incorrect, and in fact there are great deals of situations found in the sport of road bike racing that have turned over results that would prove otherwise. Within the professional biking associations many bikers including the most famous Lance Armstrong have been caught using performance enhancing drugs which then allows for the association to reap all credits and winnings of events from these athletes.

As for Lance Armstrong’s story there has been large amounts of controversy and publicity that has taken hold of the biking associations to check bikers frequently for these drugs. Lance Armstrong was thought to be a hero after his successful recovery of cancer and surge back to power in biking before the findings of his real story. After Lance came back to biking he began to use methods of performance enhancing drugs that allowed him to come back on top and win 7 Tour De Frances. For years this method of usage was put under the radar of the association until later when he admitted to the use of the illegal drugs. This type of enhancement can be reached in many different ways including blood doping which increase oxygen levels, promptly before a race in Lance’s case, and then there are pills which increase muscle mass growth.

So the real question that needs to be asked form all of this is whether the use of performance enhancing drugs should be allowed within the cycling world. Now most people would be totally against this idea because it is immoral and unfair, but other would argue that it is only science/biology and isn’t hurting the body and would be equal and fair if everyone could participate in these acts. Another reason some believe that they should be allowed is because it would create a lot less headache and would wipe out the use of drug checks on athletes. This type of situation is similar to the alcohol prohibition act of the Eighteenth Amendment which illegalized the distribution and usage of alcohol which then increase illegal activity, chaos, and violence. After a few years of this the government went back to the legalization of alcohol. This type of situation presents the idea that allowing the use of performance enhancing drugs would decrease cheating and cause less confusion and chaos. So what do you believe?

Word Count 500 words

Working as a Bike Mechanic

            In society many teenagers are strongly encourage to stay active within many activities including things like sports, school clubs, spiritual organizations, and maintaining a part time job. Many teenagers are very busy and seem to make room for all of these activities while also working. Not only does working give a teen financial support but it also allows them to gain a rich experience within the real world and allows them to gain responsibilities in many ways.

            Many teens in this day and age take jobs that follow a general pathway including those of working at a grocery store, small restaurant, or life guard. Although the majority of the teens today follow through with these types of job applications I however work at a bike store.

            Working at a bike store can sometimes by perceived by an individual as a grimy, boring, and low paying position. These types of stereo types are very false and my job position is about the exact opposite of this description. Although I have only been working at the bike store known as Northtowne Cycling and Fitness in Cedar Rapids for only about six months I have gained large amounts of knowledge and experience in mechanic, sales, finance, and business concepts. As being a bike mechanic I have made my way up through the ranks of this business and continue to learn new things every day that will stay with me for the rest of my life. This job opportunity has given me an outlook on life and the field of work and has strengthened my working ethics along with financial strategies.

            A bike mechanic like me fulfills jobs among the bike store including building bikes, servicing bikes, along with many other misallanious things that help the store and community. Most reviews that I have heard from my friends regarding there employment positions would be dissatisfactory to me. A person working at a grocery store brings in carts and checks peoples groceries as they purchase items for hours on hours at a disappointing minimum wage of 7.25 dollars per hour. Then there are the life guards who believe that their job is just the best thing out there. Although these life guarding positons do pay pretty well at 9 dollars an hour as a starting rate, the large amount of sometimes useless training and financial commitment to gaining a life guarding license can defiantly out way the benefits that life guarding may bring in my point of view. So after talking with friends I am very happy with my position as a bike mechanic as a get paid a even better wage then most teens of my age, obtain better learning experiences rather than transferring and checking  groceries all day, or sitting in a chair watching little kids in the hot sun.

Trestle Bike Park

Throughout the past 30 years from the birth of mountain biking the sport of Downhill Mountain biking has been taking leaps and bounds in not only the technological aspects of the sport but also the population growth and recreational support increase. Although the majority of mountain bike trail systems are funded by donations and built and maintained by nonprofit organizations there has also been the creation of mountain bike parks. These types of mountain bike parks are centrally located in the more mountainous regions including the Rocky Mountains which stretch from northern Canada to the southern most parts of the United States. These types of bike parks are usually located on within Ski resorts that are sprawling with active skiers all winter long along the steep slopes. But during the summer these ski slopes are clustered with winding bike paths that make up the downhill mountain bike park. This downhill mountain bike park idea consists of lifts which carry personnel and bikes to the summit and then are given the opportunity to ride downhill at blistering speeds along with jumps, drops, rugged terrain, challenging obstacles including bridges and logs, and berms which shoot you around the corners. Some of these types of bike parks are world famous, which include Keystone, Breckenridge, Whistler, Jackson Hole, Copper, along with many others.

            One of the largest growing bike parks around the world nestled within the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, which is one of the newest bike parks named Trestle. Trestle bike parks located within the confines of the world renowned ski resort known as winter park, is one of the most popular bike parks along the Rocky Mountain range.  During my visit of Trestle this summer I took in the luxurious views of the wild life that surrounds this mountain bike village along with some of the most beautiful trails I’ve ever seen. This mountain bike park was built and is still being built and modified by mountain bikers themselves which gives this mountain bike park high fun factor. Along with some easier and flowing trails this bike park grasps the needs and wants of some of the most expert mountain bikers seen today. These challenging types of trails include very big jumps and fast moving turns. Along with the high quality bike trails this explodingly vibrant community of mountain bikers has come together to form a small village of condos, hotels, homes, and restaurants known as Winter Park.

Word Count 406

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Biker Safety

Everyone has probably seen the license plates that have a figure of a biker on it with the phrase saying “Share the Road”, written on it. But what does the actually mean and what does it mean to you? The term “Share the Road” is referring to the actions taken by BOTH bikers and drivers which is to share the road and be respectful to the opposite side of the seat.

Although cars are usually the main sight of the roads to this day, bikers have just as much of a right to be on the roads. With this bikers actually have more power on the road because the law says that drivers must yield to pedestrians which include bikers. Now you would think that this concept wouldn’t be something hard to understand and put into action, wouldn’t you? Well its not just that easy due to the fact that some drivers cannot get this idea through their thick skulls. To some drivers the scene of a biker on the road isn’t pleasant and angers them greatly causing them to participate in acts like road rage that put bikers in danger. For many bikers less busy country roads are very intriguing and are where a majority of road bikers can be found. The most country roads that bikers are found on are usually not very busy at all and have speed limits of 45mph to 55 mph. Bikers carry out activities like riding on the white line of the right side of the road to share the road and keep themselves safe, and the drivers happy. This action just isn’t enough though because some drivers feel the need to fly by bikers at speeds that usually exceed the speed limit while driving within just a couple feet of the handle bars of the biker even thought there appears to be a clear lane to pass with plenty of space given to the rider. This type of irresponsible and disrespectful action is what causes bikers to be sucked into traffic, get accidentally side swiped, severely injured and many times even killed. Now if your one of these drivers just think…. Is it worth someone’s like to prove that you don’t like bikers and there frequency on roads???

Through my experience as both a rider and a driver I have seen and experienced many of these things through people yelling, honking, and swerving into me while biking on the roads. This type of action goes through my mind every time I decide to hop on my road bike and always keeps the fear of not only crashing but dying on the roads due to a irresponsible driver.

Word Count 446

Transform the World? Biking!

The bike known throughout history as one of the most influential inventions along with many others offers many beneficial characteristics to not only an individual person, but also to society in general.

Some ways in which a biking is beneficial to person participating in this activity is the use of transportation, recreation, and increased health and fitness. Biking has increased in popularity over the last 10 years greatly due to its fun and healthy fitness and aspects. The easy accessibility unlike things like gyms gives it an intriguing force for good. Unlike some other types of exercising like running and weight lifting, biking provides very little stress and impact on the joints. With many different types and styles of biking including competitive biking, casual road, mountain, and cyclocross almost everyone can insure to find some type of biking that they enjoy that all increase health and fitness. Road biking offers endless joy on a smooth surface that can involve exhilarating high speeds or easy cruising. Then there is mountain biking which can range anywhere from the sloping weaving trails of cross country mountain biking to the trails consisting of large drops, big ramps, high speeds, and rocky terrain known as downhill mountain biking. Along with these are many other types of biking that can bring countless hours and days of fun.

Along with the recreational joys and pleasures that biking brings, biking brings in the whole world environment whether it be the ecosystem and pollution or the physical health of humans. Throughout civilization and industrialization, large amounts of pollution have been formed which causes a problem to entire world. Although this is a very large problem it can be fixed through a series of little changes too our lives including the increasing of biking as transportation. With the increase of biking as a main form of transportation it can decrease the use of vehicles on the road that constantly pollute the air across the entire world. As large cities become more bike friendly, by building more bike trails, bike lanes, and supporting the use of bikes it allows for many more people to bike to work and other events. Along with this environmental gain that a transfer to biking can bring it also reaps the health and exercise benefits that are passed over by people in their everyday lives. So what are you going to do to help this cause in improving the environmental health and your fitness?…..Pretty soon the answer will be biking!

Word Count 414

Friday, October 10, 2014

Buying a Bike Dos and Don'ts

            Throughout the bike market across the world there are many different bike companies and types of bikes that vary in price, quality, and performance. Within stores like Walmart and target it appears that they sell bikes that are very flashy and can be used to fool someone unknowledgeable.

            The dos and don’ts of buying bikes can be tough to recognize to the average person who doesn’t really known much about bikes. For example the bikes sold at places like Walmart or target along with many other large convenience stores are very heavy, poorly built, and have a very cheap price tag. To some people that low price causes them to buy these types of bikes for their children or themselves without any consolation. These cheaply built bikes including brands like Mongoose and Next are usually built for very little money in large factories. This large production of cheap bikes poses a problem for the quality to the bike. With the large inattention to how the bikes are built many of these bikes have unsatisfactory performance and can sometimes be unsafe. Some of these problems are due to the cheap componentry of the bikes which includes aspects of the bikes including the derailleurs which initiate shifting, the breaking systems, and the weight and construction of the bikes.  Another down side of purchasing a bike from one of these large convenience stores is the little knowledge found within the workers that lack the power to help provide service and recommendations.

            An alternative option to spending, in my mind “a waste of money” on poorly built bikes in places like Walmart and Target is buying a bike at an actual bike store. Unlike convenience stores bike stores offer higher quality bikes along with a tremendous amount of help from the workers allowing for the bike buying experience to be very enjoyable. With the better quality bikes also comes a little higher price tag but this helps to ensure a safe and fun biking experience. The ability to test out an array of bikes is also an option with buying a bike at a bike store allowing insurance that the correct size and bike type will be purchased.  One last way in which a bike store is going to offer a better option is that they provide not only bikes but bike service which a convenience store doesn’t usually offer. So when you’re ready to bike your next bike take some of these considerations into mind.

Word count 411

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Electirc Cars? The Cheverolet Volt

Man it sure seems like that all that is heard in this day in age is, pollution prevention, and economic stability within people. With these large topics being focused in this day and age the electric car has become much more popular within the last 15 years.

After looking into the cause for pollution many environmentalist have found that cars are one of the highest producers. With the research of many alternative fuels car companies have come to the conclusion that electric cars are going to be the next big thing. Electric cars have really started to be found in large numbers across the car production. The electric car didn’t just randomly appear one day on the market but made its way gradually to the large production after the production of the hybrid which was partially powered by an electrical source. These new electric cars are only powered off an electric source which produce a very limited environmental impact and appear to be almost silent when they run. Many cars including the Toyota Prius, Nissan Leaf, the Smart car, and the Chevrolet Volt have been largely produced along with many others. Among these the majority of them lack power and style which turns many car buyers off. Although this may be the case for most the Chevy Volt offers not only a sleek look it brings a much more sporty and powerful feel to the car.

One might not believe this but some of the fastest cars in the world is powered of only electric which just proves that electric cars aren’t always slow and boring. Although these high performance cars being the Tesla and Lotus cars are well beyond most peoples price range they give the ability to have a fun, powerful, and environmentally friendly car.

With the electric car industry growing, along with many others I believe that electric cars will boom and will become a very large market within the world. As the number of electric cars grows so do the charging ports within cities. In the next 25 years I believe that charging ports will just be an everyday sight and will be everywhere. So with convenience, price and gas savings, stylish looks, and sentimentally friendly characteristics of electric cars there will be a great increase in the health of our world and environment. This technological advance will definitely be the next big thing in the future.

Word Count 401

The Jeep, Not Just another SUV!!

The Jeep. A long known car that presides a car that always has and still does put smiles on peoples faces. Jeep being owned under GM is a company that produces a series of SUVs, but its most famous for its creation of the Wrangler and Wrangler unlimited. The Wrangler is the model that everyone refers to as “The Jeep”. “The Jeep” known as a the off road car with a rugged look that has the ability to become a convertible in almost no time.

Jeeps have always been known for there high ability to perform off road in some of the most rugged conditions. The Wrangler fitted with its high out put V6 is light and powerful allowing for it to conquer obstacles that most other SUVs couldn’t take on. The Wrangler being broken into another sub model being that of the unlimited version which offers the more luxuries options and also is mostly found in the 4 door cars. The Wrangler is available in both a two door version and four door version. Along with these options the Wrangler also gives even more options depending on the need and want of the buyer.

Jeeps can be found in the hands of both an off road enthusiasts mostly being men and then those every drivers who just want a cool and fun car to drive around town. To me the use of the Wrangler as only a everyday car is a waste of money due to the higher prices found within just Jeeps in general. For those everyday drivers Jeep offers a sub model named the Jeep Sahara which gives the driver more comfortable and luxurious ride wheel giving up more off roading and performance enhancing options like bigger tires and better suspension. Now Jeep also offers the Jeep Rubicon Sport which provides more of those performance enhancing options like bigger tires and suspension. These being only the marketed options many Jeep owners outfit their auto mobiles not only with the soft and hard top option but also winches, tow cables, off roading lights, and mud tires along with an on going list that can heighten the experience of owning a Jeep Wrangler. So if your looking for either an everyday fun car or a car that will give you an ultimate off road experience under a reasonable budget than the Jeep Wrangler along with the whole line of Jeep vehicles is a great choice.

Word Count 406

My Dream Gargage

Everyone has dreamed of having that half of a million dollar sports car or extravagant SUV including me but after coming back to reality your thoughts change about those extremely expensive cars. My dream garage is something that is easily within reach in my further years of life.

For most famines a mini van is a very useful car for the stay at home mom, with the alternative car being the say Toyota Camry for the father. Yah, well this life seems pretty boring, I mean who wouldn’t want to stand out and above everybody else a little bit? Well that’s definitely true for me, I am not going to just be an average person in society and drive some car that goes unnoticed.

My realistic dream garage would put many others cars to shame, consisting of a luxury sport SUV, a high end luxury sedan, and a top end performance sports car. The act of having a large SUV puts the person driving above everybody figuratively and physically! My SUV would be a Land Rover Range Rover. This SUV is not only a head turner but also sports the everyday luxury and optional off road performance that could match up to any other SUV on the market, containing a twin turbo charged V8 with an array of different traction modes and interior comfort settings. My luxury sedan would show the class and professional status of my personality as an adult reflecting not only my social status. The BMW 7 series brings to the table unmatchable luxury along with all wheel drive, and a twin turbo charged v8 that allows for a little fun along your way to work. This car shows the businessman look that gives everyone the impression that your on top of society. Finally along with my everyday cars being the luxury SUV and Sedan I would always obtain a sports car which would most likely be a car that some would call a super call that would be just within a reasonable price range. The Nissan GTR is one of the most mistaken cars of the car performance world. For about 55000 one can purchase a 2 year old GTR with minimal mileage and wear. This car for less than 55000 dollars rivals with some of the fastest production cars in the world. This car not only shows its high state of society in its performance but along with its stunning looks will turn heads of many as its hard lines bring out the mean look of this astounding sports car.

This is not only my dream garage but also a realistic set of cars.

Word Count 441