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  • The End is Near - Sadly, all great things have to come to an end. Well this year's track season wasn't really what I would call great but it still has to come to an end too,...
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  • Saints Row 2 - Today’s review is on Saints Row 2. This is another great game by Volition set back in the modern age. You are a gangster who is supposed t...
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  • Being a healthy runner - The definition of injury itself can be quite tricky to a runner. What is an injury? Does it qualify as something that keeps you out of what you're doi...
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Sunday, December 7, 2014

Nicest Car at Kennedy High School

So I’m sure everyone who is reading this blog has had gone through high school and had that one kid who has a car that is way nicer than everyone else’s. Well today I’m going to talk about that kid at my high school in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

I go to Kennedy High School, in which most of the cars are probably worth about an average of 5000 dollars. As a high schooler most kids don’t have any cars that are much above average, but this kid is an exception. In many situations the kid with the nice car has a say a Camero, Mustang , or any other sports cars that even the preppy girl would know, but this kid again is an exception.

My friend, that shall not be named, just got a brand new 2014 BMW 235M. Unlike other sports cars the BMW 235M is also very luxurious and sports a engine that will rival many sports cars across the market. With a price of around 60000 it definitely makes itself noticeable where ever it drives.

So now lets get to the stats. This car is a brand new model that a limited supply was made of. With its twin turbo charged inline six cylinder, it will surely get you down the road fast. Not only does it go fast but it sounds fast. With a zero to sixty time of about 4.4 seconds it really gives itself a name. I’ve ridden in this car and it is just flat out fast!

So yah if you are wondering if I’m jealous… I am! So does this car compare to the car that, that one kid owned at your high school? If you have any stories about that kid at your high school I would love to hear about it. Its even especially surprising and almost comical that this kid has a nicer car than any of the employees at the high school including the principal. Most adults don’t think that this investment is not a good one for a kid and I would actually have disagree because high schoolers have the same ability to drive a nice car as adults. So can I just say wow because this car is just so nice and outstanding compared to every other car. Wouldn’t it be awesome to be spoiled and rich? Well, well yah of course it would be!

Word Count 400

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