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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Indoor Cycling Re-invented!!

Still wanting more winter exercise alternatives to biking outdoors? Well I’ve got one more option that will fulfill both your fitness needs and pleasure of biking.

            To most including myself, riding a stationary bike for hours on end can be very boring and not fun. The technology and quality of stationary biking options has greatly increased, with more advanced computerized work outs available to the buyer. The most recent technological advancement has many within the bike market raving. This new step into indoor biking has brought the outside inside. This mechanism gives the rider a simulation that is very similar to outdoor riding. With a TV or computer screen a rider can see the simulation right in front of them as they ride on their stationary bike. Unlike watching normal TV as we always have while riding on indoor bikes, this particular mechanism responds with increased speed and turning and relays it onto the screen. The way in which this works is based off of sensors and a turning radius that sits under the front wheel, which then relay information to the computer through a wire to then form a response that mimics your every movement almost simultaneously.

            I think this new form of indoor riding is very cool and fun based on my experience of being able to trial one of these new systems, at my work. With an extensive array of tracks and races this simulation is sure not to bore. I believe this is a cool way in which people can still bike while it might be snowing cats and dogs outside.

            These new simulation programs along with the biking stand and sensors comes in at around a price of 1500 dollars, which is not necessarily cheap. Although this new concept may cost a little more than some people are willing to pay, the price will most likely go down as more people begin to purchase these. I have seen many of these purchased at the bike store that I work at and have seen much satisfaction with this product. You will not need to worry about any confusing installation as for my bike store “Northtowne Cycling and Fitness”, will personally install it in your home or gym for little to no cost. So if you have a little Christmas money left over and are looking to give yourself a little present to make your indoor riding experience even better then I would highly recommend buying one of these very technologically advanced systems.
Word Count 416

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