Many of you reading this blog, are individuals who are in your waning years of high school, with the glare of college stooping down upon you. As you think about college, you might be preparing for financial costs, housing and books, but one thing that is considered as much as it probably needs to be is transportation. How are you going to get to and from college? And how are you going to transport your self across the campus, and even the metro area? Some people overlook the idea of having a car with you on campus, because they believe that it is unneeded with the busing systems, and suspected little distance that one must need to travel. Although this may be true in some sanitations, a car is usually a very useful item to have during your college years.
A car can be very helpful throughout your college years for many reasons. One reason a car can be useful, is when you would like to go out for the night on the town with your friends. A car allows you more freedom than just the ordinary busing system, that is implemented in most towns. With a car you don’t have to wait for the bus to come at a certain scheduled time.
Another way that a car can be very good at college, is it allows much more freedom and ability to visit home over the weekends. Without a car, ones parents must pick them up from the campus which can be a large hassle. Along with these very useful applications, a car can also be a pleasurable item that a college student can obtain and use while at college.
Now if you/you parents are convinced that a car would be a good thing to have while your at college you may be wondering what kind of car would be the best for the college atmosphere and for a college student. The most well suited car for a college student and campus is one that is efficient, cost effective, safe, and small. A small efficient car will keep the costs of gas down. The particular car that I will most likely get for college is a Subaru WRX, which also gives a fun factor to the equitation.
A car could be one thing that you could be forgetting to consider on your college planning and check list, so take the time to consider this idea.
Word Count 406
The End is Near
Sadly, all great things have to come to an end. Well this year's track
season wasn't really what I would call great but it still has to come to an
end too,...
9 years ago
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