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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Wheels.. wheels.. wheels

Are you one of those cyclists that already has a fairly nice road bike or tri bike, but would like to upgrade their bike in some way? As many experts will tell you, the easiest way to upgrade your bike is the wheels. If you just think about it for a little while, this upgrade seems to make easy logical sense that it would create the largest upgrade in both speed and comfort. Okay, okay there are many other different types of upgrades that you can make including handle bars and shifting, but what really makes a more comfortable and fast ride is what you are actually riding on, which is your wheels.

So now that I have gotten you convinced that wheels are the first thing that you should upgrade, you may be thinking where to start and what to be looking for. Well like many other aspects of a bike there is a very wide variety of wheels that you can choose from under various price ranges that all have their certain strengths. Some wheel companies that may ring a bell include, Zipp, Hed, and Easton. These are just a few of the enormous amount of wheel companies.

Each of these different wheel manufacturers have different types of wheels that are suited for certain types of riding. So now is the time when you need to ask yourself what kind of riding you may do. Do ride casually, competitively (road races, time trials, triathlons), or do you ride just for fitness and fun. After asking yourself this question you will have a better understand of the kind of wheel that you should be directed to.

For all of you people doing triathlons and time trial riding, you would be most benefited with a light and very aero dynamic wheel. Most wheels suited for this kind of riding start at around 1000 dollars for a set of wheels and can escalate up to close to 4000 dollars for a set. The base wheels will give you a small dish with a aluminum braking surface. As you raise your price the dish of the wheel becomes larger, the braking surface transfers to carbon, and the rolling resistance decreases. So whatever your budget is you will be sure to find a wheel that suits your needs.

Now for the rest of you who like to ride competitively on road bikes, for fitness, and just casually, and are looking for an upgrade in your wheels, you will most likely be looking for a wheel that is very light with a small dish if any.

I hope this advice helped your wheel search.

Word Count 440

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