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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Traffic Cameras... Constitutional?

Have received a letter in the email from the DOT saying that you owe a fine to the government for a violation that you are totally unaware of? Well if you have, you might recall that this traffic violation was a speeding ticket found on a speed camera.

For a growing amount of locations across the United States, traffic speed cameras and traffic light cameras have began to be implemented. This new system of catching speeders across the nation has got many people sprung out of sorts with rage. Some people and groups have deemed this type of law enforcement is unconstitutional. I though believe that is completely constitutional for this form of law enforcement to be used against people across the nation. As a citizen of Cedar Rapids Iowa I have experienced and observed the use of these cameras and seen the reactions that come with this type of enforcement. Although this new technology of giving tickets may seem sneaky to some people I believe that if your breaking the law it shouldn’t matter whether your caught by a person or camera. As I’ve seen many visitors to places such Cedar Rapids have become very mad after receiving a ticket in the mail for speeding on the interstate through Cedar Rapids. Many of these foreigners claim to not know that this law enforcement wasn’t being implemented on them. This type of claim shouldn’t give any reason for change in the accusation by the state because the convicters were clearly braking the law no matter the factors involved. Not only does this give support for the state but, another thing that supports the fact that these cameras should be allowed comes to the fact that warning signs can be seen well before any type of camera may appear in the future on that particular road. So this is pretty much saying “ hey there is a “Cop” ahead so slow down”, so I don’t understand how much more up front the government can be with the this system. And yet another thing that gives support for the constitutionality of this action is the room for error with the speed cameras. The speed cameras depending on the application allow for up to a 9-11 mph error in the driver before giving a ticket. So I just don’t understand why anyone might deem this unconstitutional given all of these precautions to a upcoming speed enforcement system.

Word Count 404

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