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Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Rave of Electric Bikes

Have you ever been interested in biking to work our to school? Not only does biking provide a cleaner alternative to the environment, it can also be fun and a good form of exercise. To some people the hassle of biking to work seems to great, due to the dawning fact that they would have to shower when they get there, because they would sweat to much. Well until a couple of years ago this assumption might have been true, but not anymore.

With the innovation and mass production of electric bikes its given everyday people like you guys who might be reading this the opportunity to ride to work and other places with out undergoing any sort of strenuous work. The electric bikes that are made today have come a long ways in the last couple of years and the production of these has greatly increased, as I can see as I work at a bike store. Many different bike companies have started to produce electric bike lines and models including those of Specialized and Pedego. Many of these new bikes are definitely an affordable piece of primary transportation with most bikes ranging any where from 1800 to 5000. This may seem to be a lot say for a bike, but when you think about the whole picture, it is really just a fraction of what a normal car might cost.

Now if you worry that a bike wont get you to work fast enough or you live to far away, then your worries can be put aside, because the new electric bikes come equipped with a battery pack that has enough power to shoot you up the hills, while also containing enough charge for your daily needs (~2hours+). With speed being an issue for many, these bike companies can assure you that these powerful electric motors will shoot you up to speed and allow for easy pedaling at speeds that you may not otherwise be able to reach on a bike. One bike model called the Specialized Turbo, definitely lives up to its name with a exhilarating top speed of 27 mph.

The electric bikes today offer a healthy, money saving, environmentally friendly way of city transportation that might be good for any one in a urban setting. So whether you are looking for a bike that will get you to your next work meeting or down to the other side of the city bike trail, the wide variety of new electric bikes can be sure to find a bike that suits your needs and enjoyment.

Word Count 428

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