I’m coming to the base of a large hill, looking into the distance at the large hill that haunts my near future, as I am coming upon the 27th mile of my 35 mile ride on a nice spring afternoon. As my tires are gliding on the white line and my mind wonders, my attention is suddenly directed at a streak of blue coming straight for me. I take a glance to my left and see a small Dodge truck, coming right at me. I cant do anything now but hope that this guy doesn’t hit me. Me going at a clip of 26mph, and the truck pushing 45, I know that this cant be good. As the truck gets closer I hear a loud rumble of his engine as he accelerates in direction of me. Foot by foot the truck nears me. Its done for me, I think. But then at the last second the truck pulls a hard right and accelerates off into the distance. I take a deep breath, and let my brain recapture what just had happened. As I organize my thoughts I become consumed with anger, at the ignorance and stupidity of this driver.
This like many situations are the unneeded actions, that drivers undergo on desolate country roads, in aggressions to innocent bikers. These types of actions are the actions, are those that cause catastrophic endings. One mistake of calculation by myself or the driver would have left me dead on the side of the road, due to the stupidity and aggression that the driver hazardley had expressed. Road rage is an unneeded action that causes an assortment of crashes and accidents every year, that could otherwise be avoided. The release of ones anger, is not worth someone’s life. So next time share the road and respect the bikers on your streets.
Road etiquette is very important just like that of a bike trail. The sharing of the road between the bikers, or recreational users should be given equal respect from the drivers, because actually bikers have the right of way to cars. Passing slowly with a reasonable distance is ideal for safety on the trails and roads that bikers inhabit. A “on your left”, can be a simple action that helps avoid any accidents on the trails. So next time your either biking or driving remember that these ideas and put them into practice.
Word Count 401
The End is Near
Sadly, all great things have to come to an end. Well this year's track
season wasn't really what I would call great but it still has to come to an
end too,...
9 years ago